Game Development General Personal Development

Thousander Club Update: November 13th

For this week’s Thousander Club update:

Game Hours: 218.25 / 1000
Game Ideas: 445 / 1000

Target: 882

I have printed out the manual for Autoconf, which is the tool used to create configuration scripts for a wide-variety of Unix-like systems. Together with Automake, it will allow me to make packages that users will simply need to configure && make && make install. So far, it doesn’t seem like it is too complicated, but it is difficult to find beginner documents that don’t assume you already know something. Interestingly, the Autotools book claims to be a tutorial, but it seems to give examples without explaining much, expecting you to use the reference manuals for the individual tools.

I intend to write my own set of tutorials since I think these tools would be much more useful to developers if they only knew how to use them.

Game Development General

IGDA Created a SIG for Tool Development

According to a news report, the IGDA has created its own special interest group on tool development.

Tool Box is the SIG’s blog, and even though there are only a few posts, there is one link to an article at Gamasutra called Swiss Army Chainsaw: A Common Sense Approach to Tool Development that was posted a couple of months ago.

Some other options for the tool building community include the forum and the mailing list.

With content creation being such a big emphasis these days, even the indie game developer could benefit from better tools.

Game Development Linux Game Development Personal Development

Thousander Club Update: November 6th

For this week’s Thousander Club update:

Game Hours: 216 / 1000
Game Ideas: 445 / 1000

Target: 861

I spent this past week researching autotools in order that I might use them in my projects. Basically, if I can use autotools in my game projects, I will have less of a problem when porting to various Unix-like systems, including different Gnu/Linux distros. In fact, if I do use autotools, I can use CheckInstall to create various distro packages, such as RPM or .deb files. Of course, there is still the problem of porting to Windows, but it seems that my code is quite portable, and there are various installers available for that platform anyway. As for the Mac, I imagine that a third party will be involved, such as Red Marble Games which provides a porting and marketing service.

This week is the 45th of the year; the year is almost over. I hope that I can make a better effort for these last few weeks.

Game Design Game Development Games

Indie Game Dev Podcast: Interview with Squashy Software, part 2

Speaking of podcasts, Action’s back with a brand new edition of the Indie Game Developer’s Podcast. We return you to the interview with Squashy Software, already in progress. Just like last time, this podcast is almost an hour of Anthony Flack goodness.

Anthony spoke about studying all kinds of games to improve his own, although you can tell he is successful because he answers the question “What’s your favorite game?” with the standard successful game developer answer: “I haven’t played much recently. I’ve been very busy.” B-)

Interesting comments include his views on how he must allow the game to form, almost as a painter or sculptor rather than an engineer. He also offers a few lessons on selling a finished product and prototyping.

Game Development Games General Personal Development Shuts Down, Articles Go Missing

Steve Pavlina announced that he has shut down, his shareware game development business which he has run for about 12 years.

Unfortunately, he hasn’t transferred his articles on game development practices. Some of his articles have been updated and are in his articles section, but some, such as “Zero Defect Software Development” and “Shareware Amateurs vs Shareware Professionals” are nowhere to be found.

I’ve personally found these articles to be a great resource, and in fact they were the reason why I was inspired to start my own indie game development business. It would be a shame if we could only access them through or Google’s cache.

EDIT: Some of these articles are in the Association of Software Professionals newsletter archives, available to members only. If No Independent Developers Are 100 Times Smarter Than You, Then Why Do Some Get 100 Times the Results? is a free article.

Game Development Personal Development

Thousander Club Update: October 30th

For this week’s Thousander Club update:

Game Hours: 211.75 / 1000
Game Ideas: 445 / 1000

Target: 840

I spent a few hours looking into various ways to implement frame-rate independent movement for my Pong clone. Yes, I am still dedicating time to it. I had discussed the topic with William Willing as well as Troy Hepfner of My Game Company. I even looked into my copy of “Game Programming Gems” since I knew it had four interpolation methods described, two of which are frame-rate independent.

William had pointed me to a thread on the Indie Gamer forums discussing the various methods. Some of it was hard to get my head around, but in the end I decided that I would look into interpolating with delta time…

…and sure enough, I checked and found that I had already gone this route before. Over a year ago I was working on Oracle’s Eye and tackled this problem, and I basically came to the same conclusion, which I describe in a previous post. The good news is that I am much more familiar with what is needed, and my solution can be implemented in a much better way. Last time, I think I had done something incorrectly, and the animation wasn’t very smooth anyway.

William had actually gone through the trouble of coding up some implementations for the various methods. I found his code useful to read through, and I think would make a good resource for others. How about it, William? Feel like posting the code? B-)

Game Development Personal Development

Thousander Club Update: October 23rd

For this week’s Thousander Club update:

Game Hours: 204.75 / 1000
Game Ideas: 445 / 1000

Target: 819

While the numbers don’t look too productive, I did manage to tackle a number of other responsibilities. I was reviewing a game as well as catching up on my finances.

Also, now that I am back from the Schmooze, I am feeling quite motivated to get a finished product as soon as I can. I hope to spend the next couple of days making a basic plan. I haven’t updated my business plan since March, and I want to make some mini-goals for myself in a few other areas in my life.

Game Development General Linux Game Development

Relative Path to Game Directory on Gnu/Linux

One thing I discovered when trying to run my Pong clone is that I had to change to the same directory as the binary in order to run it. I should be able to just type “sdl-pong” from the command line and have it run without caring which directory is my current working directory. Now, I didn’t hardcode it to use the exact path name for files, so I could move the entire game directory and it could still run just fine. I haven’t made that mistake since I was actively using QBasic almost 10 years ago. B-)

I don’t want to require the user to need to use the command line interface to run the game, so I need to solve this problem. No matter where the user is currently running the game from, the game should run. So what can be done?

Well, luckily, this problem has been solved. I checked, and sure enough, the games I currently have installed do almost the same thing.

The games are launched using a shell script. When you type “darwinia” or “dhlore” or “drod-jtrh-demo”, the thing that you are running is a shell script. In some cases, the path is hardcoded, but the best way is to use the script to find the actual path to the game binary, then run it.

How does one find the path? Sam Lantinga, of Loki Software and libsdl fame, had created a script called FindPath(). Details can be found in this mailing list post.

I don’t know why something so simple and easily solved isn’t more readily available to new developers. I just checked, and “Programming Linux Games” does not seem to use such a script for Penguin Warrior, the example game provided. “Linux Game Programming” mentions path names, but only when talking about the difference between Windows separators (“\”) and everyone else’s separators (“/”).

It took me some time before I found the script online, but now that I know what to look for, it is easy to find.

Unfortunately, I found out that it may be a problem. At least, it isn’t recognized as THE way to do handle the relative path problem. It seems that while the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard mentions using /usr/local/games for your installation directory, there seems to be some contention. Do you use /usr/local/games, or do you use /opt? What files should belong where? Is it even ok to worry about relative pathnames, or should your game assume that the files will be in the standard locations? If you distribute binary-only games, is it safe to ignore some documents because they assume that everything should be distributed as source?

After spending only a couple of days on this topic, I no longer wonder why hardly anyone makes games for Gnu/Linux. Even if you decide to do the actual development of the game, just packaging it up and distributing it is a big hassle. I believe Apple provides developer resources that specify details such as these, as does Microsoft. Until there is a definitive answer as to how to do something, one solution seems as good as another.

Of course, I could do worse than to follow the example of Introversion or Loki.

Game Development General Personal Development

Thousander Club Update: October 16th

For this week’s Thousander Club update:

Game Hours: 204.75 / 1000
Game Ideas: 435 / 1000

Target: 798

I managed to add a few more ideas to my list, but I spent the week either working long hours at my day job or catching up on other responsibilities. I did not get too much time to work on game development. I am fine with this fact, but I need to do a better job of scheduling these down times. As it is, it has been about a month since I first started working on Pong, and I don’t want to have another month go by before I am ready to release it as truly finished.

Game Design Game Development

50 Books for Game Developers

50 Books For Everyone In the Game Industry is a compilation by Ernest Adams.

Because I’m a game developer, I naturally gravitate towards books on development; but clearly 3DS Max tutorials and books on Java aren’t appropriate. At the same time, there are relatively few books on the shelves that teach how to create a marketing campaign for a videogame, or how to negotiate with Wal-Mart’s buyers.

In the end I decided to concentrate on the one thing that binds us all together: the games themselves. What I’ve done is to assemble a collection of books that address the following questions:

* What are games (and videogames)?
* What has been the history of video games?
* How are games related to other media, and what might we learn from those media?
* How and why do people play games? And finally, how (in general terms) should we design and build them?

So we won’t find books like “Game Coding Complete” or “The Indie Game Development Survival Guide” on this list, but we will find books that should be useful for anyone involved game development. Whether you are an artist, a programmer, a tester, or a producer, these books should give you greater insight into what makes for a better video game.

It is broken down into twelve topics:
1. Theory
2. Design Practice
3. Writing
4. Graphic Design
5. Music / Audio
6. Online Community
7. The History of Games
8. Sociology
9. People, Projects, and Businesses
10. Other Media and Useful Disciplines
11. Deep Background
12. Inspirations

Among the books listed are “Game Over: Press Start to Continue” by David Sheff, which documents Nintendo’s life from playing card manufacturer to the bringer of life to a dying industry. I found it fascinating when I read it a few years ago. “The Mythical Man-Month” by Fredrick Brooks was suggested to me recently by Larry. “Everything Bad is Good For You” by Steven Johnson has been touted as a good counter-example to the “video games are evil” crowd.

I’ve read some of the books and have more on my wishlist, but I did not know about quite a few of them. Quite a few of his choices are interesting, such as “The Hunt for Red October”. You could do worse than to follow Adams’ suggestions.