In my last report, I worked on audio sound effects and music in my second Freshly Squeezed Entertainment project called Clown Alley Creator, a creativity tool about creating your own fun clowns.
Since then, I’ve added an options menu and a few more customization options for the clowns you can create.
Sprint 2024-11: Options Menu
- Create gear icon for options menu
- Allow player to mute SFX and music separately
- Allow player to choose skin color for clown
- Create eye options
I started the week working on adding the ability to mute and unmute music and sound effects from within the game, which is why the theme for this sprint was “Options Menu” instead of skin color and eyes, which ended up taking up the larger amount of time and effort.
There were already buttons to toggle audio from the main menu, but the player may want to do so while the game is running, so I created the gear icon and created a modal that pops up over the top of everything.
Then I decided it was time to work on clown skin colors. So far the default was that you were creating a white face clown, but not all clowns have white make-up for a face.
For now, I just used the sample colors I’ve been using for everything else, which aren’t very realistic skin colors or even realistic clown make-up colors, but I’ll work on adding those skin tones and such later.
I also wanted to give the player options for eyes. The neat thing is that, assuming my math is correct, now it is possible to create over 9 billion unique clown faces with just the few options currently available! That’s a lot of creativity potential!
And of course, over the next few months, I’ll be adding more and more variety to each menu, so you’ll be able to create your favorite clowns with just the right noses, make-up, and hair styles.
Thanks for reading, and stay curious!
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One reply on “Freshly Squeezed Progress Report: Clown Skin Colors and Eyes”
[…] time, I reported that I had added an options menu with audio toggles and a menu for choosing custom eyes in my […]