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Freshly Squeezed Progress Report: Colors, Music, and Sound Effects

Last time, I reported that I was adding primary and secondary color options for each selection in my second Freshly Squeezed Entertainment project called Clown Alley Creator, a creativity tool about creating your own fun clowns.

After a somewhat productive week, I not only have finished creating most of the functionality the game needs but also added music and sound effects to make it feel more complete and real.

Sprint 2024-10: Clown Faces


  • Create color picker for nose
  • Create color picker for hair
  • Create color picker for make-up layers
  • Create background music
  • Create button press sound effects

You can now not only choose a custom nose, hairstyle, or make-up layers, but for each of them you can now choose a primary and secondary color.

Clown Alley Creator - selecting primary and secondary colors for each option

Clown Alley Creator - selecting primary and secondary colors for each option

Clown Alley Creator - selecting primary and secondary colors for each option

Clown Alley Creator - selecting primary and secondary colors for each option

Now, please (PLEASE!) keep in mind that this is not the final art that I plan to ship with this game when it is released. The point is that each selection can be customized by having two separate colors available if you wish, giving you plenty more options for your creativity.

Normally, audio doesn’t necessarily find its way into a game until the end of a project, but I’m making good progress. As I said, most of features are finished, so in a way it already feels like the end of the project.

And I found a really nice music track on during their last Black Friday sale, so I had to get it and think it fits perfectly in this game.

You can hear and see the game in action this clip:

Even with just the test sample of options for the nose, hair, and make-up and six color options I have so far, it is possible to create over 1,000 unique clown faces!

In the coming months, I am expecting that most of the work will focus on creating the many pieces of art for more such options, giving the player a much greater variety of ways to create their own perfect collection of clowns.

And I will get to enjoy the sounds I’ve added whenever I run the game to test out any such changes.

Thanks for reading, and stay curious!

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