Game Design Game Development Geek / Technical

LD50: Disaster City Ports and a Time Lapse #LDJam #LD50

Disaster City, my Ludum Dare 50 entry in which you must try to R&D your way to averting a seemingly inevitable disaster while dealing with other disasters at the same time, was originally released with a Linux-based build.

I have since ported it to Android in the form of an APK you can sideload.

And now I have a Windows version of the game!

You can find my LD 50 entry page and the download links at:

LD50: Disaster City entry

Thanks for playing!

In the meantime, here’s a time lapse of my desktop during the 48 hours of the compo, plus a few more hours as I tried to see how far I could get even when the deadline passed. I didn’t record the next day when I finally got the entry in by the Jam deadline, though.