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July #1GAM: A Hundred Thousand Bottles Washed Up On the Shore

First, a reminder about my Stop That Hero! Birthday Sale that’s running all this week.

Get 40% off of my strategy game that puts you in the role of the villain by using coupon code BIRTHDAY2013 at to help me celebrate my birthday tomorrow!

Next, you can finally eat something in Shipwrecked, my July One Game a Month project.

While the game has let you starve to death slowly for some time, there’s been no way to avoid it until now.

I had a vision for an entire inventory system to manage, but in the interests of finishing this project, I’ve decided that pressing Tab is enough to cycle through any items you are carrying.

If you have an edible object in your inventory, and it is the currently equipped item, you can now use the Eat action.

July #1GAM

I also added a few more items to the game, such as bottles:

July #1GAM

My plan is allow you to fill bottles with liquids, but you shouldn’t fill it with sea water, which will actually dehydrate you. Which means I’ll need to make some fresh water somehow.

Which brings me to the problem I’ve been having with the creation of this game.

I have less than a week to get this project done by the end of the month, but there is still nothing really interesting to do yet in the game. I think if I learned anything from this project so far, it’s that you shouldn’t try to address an entire game’s features at once.

For example, when I added hunger to the game, I should have followed through with creating food, and then creating the ability to eat that food. Instead, I had various aspects of the game in various states of completion.

I have a lot of ideas and plans for this project, and I might be falling in love with it, which makes it hard to let go.

I’ll have to finish a minimal version of Shipwrecked for now so that I can come back to it another day.

No, no, Shipwrecked. Don’t speak. This thing is bigger than either of us.