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Ludum Dare #15 is Coming!

It’s August, which is one of the months of the year, and that means that Ludum Dare, the the tri-annual 48-hour game development contest, is back!

Suggest your theme, and in the coming weeks the theme vote will commence. Will Exploding Bananas win? Circuits? Glow in the dark? Cooking? We’ll find when the contest officially starts on August 28th!

Here are the results of LD#14 from this past April. I ran away with the gold…in the Food sub-competition. My journaling abilities also commanded a respectable 5th place. The theme then was Impending Wall of Doom, and there were a lot of creative ideas that people implemented.

Ludum Dare is always a fun time, and the last one broke records for number of participants. Will a new record be set at LD#15?

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