Game Development Personal Development

Thousander Club Update: August 11th

For this week’s Thousander Club update:

Game Hours: 409.25(previous two years) + 110.25 (current year) = 519.50 / 1000
Game Ideas: 710 (previous two years) + 36 (current year) = 746 / 1000

Wow, I did a lot of game development this past weekend! Ludum Dare #12 wasn’t a big success for me, but I’ll have more to say in a post-mortem of Tower Defender. Along with my LD#11 entry, Minimalist, I intend to properly finish these games and release them. Minimalist should hopefully be out by the end of August at the latest.

[tags]game, game design, productivity, personal development, video game development, indie[/tags]