Game Development Geek / Technical

Pre-Compo Checklist for Ludum Dare #LD48

I realized that the last time I participated in Ludum Dare was LD #20, with the theme “It’s Dangerous to Go Alone, Take This”, and today I have a completely different laptop running a newer version of Ubuntu with the Unity desktop (not to be confused with Unity 3D, the game engine).

On the old laptop, I had a checklist of things to do before the theme is announced. There’s no sense is using up precious competition time on things you could have prepared for. Unfortunately I have to recreate my checklist since it was one of the things I didn’t back up.

For instance:

  • Is SFXR installed so you can easily make sound effects?
  • On that note, do you have Audacity installed to modify them? Is it working correctly?
  • Do you have all of the libraries and tools you need, such as libSDL?
  • Is your build environment working? I’m using CMake, and I should probably prepare an LD24 project beforehand so I’m not wasting time trying to get the build scripts to work when I could have a buildable project with a blank window from the start.
  • Have you purchased groceries? I’ve got peanut butter, bread, raisins, bananas, and pickles, so I’m set.
  • Does your timelapse software work? In my case, I needed to install scrot, and double-check that my Makefile script still lets me capture screens and turn them into a timelapse video.
  • Speaking of timelapse, did you disable power-saving on the monitor so that the timelapse screen captures will continue to work even if you take a break for eating or sleeping?

What’s your pre-LD checklist?

4 replies on “Pre-Compo Checklist for Ludum Dare #LD48”

Shameless plug: If you want to stay closer to sfxr, there’s also Neither needs installing before the compo 🙂

I don’t really have a checklist as such, but I do always set up a repository, drop in the necessary scripts and libraries, and make sure I can get to the point of a blank screen. Though this time, because I’m using an unfamiliar library, I’ve gone a bit beyond that (

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