Geek / Technical

November IGDA Meeting

Tonight is the IGDA:Chicago chapter’s meeting for November. Alex Seropian of Wideload Games (and Bungie fame) will be giving a post mortem on Stubbs the Zombie.

I’ll be volunteering again, so if you show up, I’ll take your money. I don’t know if they will be selling shirts again.

2 replies on “November IGDA Meeting”

Man.. If it was on the 10th I totally would of made it. I could of piggy-backed it with going to the VS2005 launch event.

I signed up to the mailing list. Maybe I’ll make the drive down from Madison for the next one.

It’s too bad you couldn’t make it. It was pretty cool. I’m going to have a write-up by the end of the week with more details.

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