Games Geek / Technical

Gaming Over Christmas Vacation

Christmas Eve is a big deal in my family, and so after dinner, my girlfriend and I traveled from Chicago to Columbus, Ohio to spend the week with her family, where Christmas Day was more important. We drove through a huge bank of fog, otherwise known as Indiana. Loads of fun, that fog. Luckily, I played a number of games during that week.

Her cousin is a huge gamer, and so we played Super Mario Strikers among other Gamecube games. Playing with four people was definitely a lot of fun, and kicking explosives at soccer players made it feel like European soccer. B-)

I also brought my Gameboy from the 80s. Yes, the big, clunky one that was pocket-sized fun that didn’t actually fit in your pocket yet. It had Tetris, which helped pass the time when my girlfriend was driving. I still haven’t gotten the huge rocket, but then I didn’t play it as much as my sister or mother. I had other games to occupy my time…games that I still haven’t completed. B-(

I played more games of Sorry! in two days than I think I have ever played in my life. My girlfriend’s nephew really liked playing the game. I also played Lunch Money, which is a fun card game about school yard bullying. I haven’t participated in a LAN party in some time, but I managed to keep up with my trash talking abilities.

My girlfriend’s nephew and I also played on the computer a bit. He wanted to go to to play Nickelodeon-related games. The games weren’t all that compelling, but for a six-year-old, they would be perfectly fine; however, what the heck was up with all of the ads? Everytime we clicked on a new game, we had to sit through the same Lucky Charms ad. Over and over. I get it! He gets the cereal! Can we assume that I’ve seen this ad?!? I would even have accepted a different ad, but no ads would have been preferred.

After I got fed up with the ads, I took him over to check out Puppy Invaders over at It’s a cool Space Invaders clone, and it is playable on the homepage. He really liked this game, and it was fun since I controlled movement while he shot at the enemies. He also really liked the smart bombs, even though they didn’t do anything more than end the current level. We had good, old-fashioned quality fun. No stupidly repetitive ads here.

But there was still a lot of Sorry!.