Clown Alley Creator

Clown Alley Creator - feature graphic

Populate your own circus clown alley by creating your own fun and zany clowns!

Clown Alley Creator is a family-friendly creativity tool.


Based in Des Moines, IA

Release date:
Expected release Q2 2025



Regular price:


When development of The Dungeon Under My House was put on hold after 20 months of development and potentially another year of development left in the schedule, Gianfranco Berardi was looking for a much shorter project that could be completed in a more reasonable time-frame.

Berardi has always been a fan of clowns. He loved watching Bozo and Cooky on The Bozo Show as a kid, and he loved seeing the clowns whenever the Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus came to town. After reading an article years ago about a clown shortage in the world, he’s had a soft spot for them.

Since so much modern entertainment involving clowns tends to be horror-themed and violent or paint clowns as villains, he decided to make a game that feature clowns in a more positive way. Real clowns are entertainers, using laughter to create a real impact on society. There’s a rich history to clowning, and with this project, he hoped to help support it.

The goals for the project were to provide simple and accessible controls, with joyful interactions, and a focus on creativity and expression.

Original design started in October of 2024, and work started at the beginning of November 2024, with an expected six month schedule to develop and publish the work.


  • Creator Mode with simple and intuitive menus, allowing anyone to create their own custom clowns
  • Hundreds of unique hairstyles, noses, and make-up options, as well as color customization for each, resulting in near limitless creativity and expression
  • The ability to name your clowns whatever you want
  • Gallery View Mode to allow the player to view all of their existing clowns


Early mock-ups:

Clown view mock-up screen for unnamed next project

Clown creation mock-up screen for unnamed next project

Clown Alley Creator title screen thumbnails

Clown creation mock-up screen for unnamed next project

Early title screens:

Clown Alley Creator main menu with background image

Clown Alley Creator new title screen

In-development screenshots:

Clown Alley Creator - choosing a nose for your custom clown

Clown Alley Creator - close-up of clown

Logo & Icon

Feature images:

The second game in the Freshly Squeezed Entertainment line:

Freshly Squeezed

About GBGames

GBGames is a solo indie game studio focused on encouraging curiosity and supporting creativity, founded by Gianfranco Berardi.